MAGMIC INC. | Continuity Marketing and digital production success story

When it comes to video games, the market is highly competitive and that is why the images used to promote them must be powerful and capable of communicating their essence and their most outstanding values in a forceful way.
MagMic, an international company dedicated to the development, publication and distribution of games and digital entertainment, knows this very well and that is why it does not leave the promotion of its products to chance.
For several years, this company has relied on Red Design Systems to produce trailers, reels and static images for their video games. They need to stand out on social networks and other virtual platforms, and thus ensure that their products are known by as many potential players as possible.
That’s why they continue to put their trust in our team of professionals, who, in addition to guaranteeing the quality of the images, help them step by step so that they are seen in the right places and at the right moments.
Our expertise in design, digital production and workflow management guarantees Magmic and other companies that their processes are carried out with the utmost efficiency and that all deliverables are available on time.
This is one more example of how we help our customers solve their needs and meet their objectives.