Innovation, a strategic ally for marketing

Innovation as a strategy


There is a lot of talk about innovation in our ideas: radical, disruptive, incremental, among others. And there are many examples of their application in our daily lives.


We went from making calls by dialing on a rotary phone to giving a voice command to call, from hitting the back of a bottle of tomato sauce, to bottles that only need to be pressed with some force.


Innovation has changed the way products and services are delivered, from solving a need to transforming the user experience. That’s why, once again, we want to share some important points that can help from innovation to improve your marketing strategy.

  • User-centric: A user-centric marketing strategy is closer to achieving its objective. It is essential to think about the user who uses our product or service: How does our product meet their needs? What experience do they have with it?

In order to achieve this goal, there are methodologies such as the Customer Journey Map, which allows us to get to know our users better, identify their pain points and, consequently, generate more effective campaigns to reach them.

  • It’s not just about ideation: Have you ever had brainstorming sessions that ended up as post-it notes stuck on the walls? Have your team’s ideas remained only as part of the memories of a meeting?

It is important to have ideation sessions, where everyone can feel free to contribute and place any idea, no matter how disruptive or unnecessary it may seem, but it is even more important to materialize those ideas, to consolidate those that can be transformed into a prototype, to make them come to life.

  • Prototyping fast and cheap is the secret: we are afraid to fail, we think about costs, time, when we can get that longed ROI fast, innovation allows us to fail fast and cheap.

A simple prototype can help us to know what our user’s expectations are. From the simplest sketch, to a cardboard model that we can work with our users, allows us to receive valuable feedback and, of course, appealing to the potential of data, we can establish a better strategy to reach our target audience.

  • A Minimum Viable Product or MVP: even in marketing, it is key to establish an MPV, one that allows us to pivot and achieve the results we want, with a relatively small investment of time and money. The creation of a MPV, allows us to make online mediations, not having to wait long periods of time for statistics that take time, we can make prompt decisions, not based on hunches, but on the reality that we see in the development of our business.


Experience and the great failures of famous companies reaffirm the need for innovation to stay relevant in the market. Being at the forefront of trends, always looking at the user and prototyping quickly are fundamental actions to strengthen the presence of brands and their products in the minds of consumers.


Therefore, marketing strategies need to be aligned with innovation methodologies and practices. Because it is not enough to have creative ideas, they must be developed and put into practice based on reliable market information.


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Red Design Systems

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