Site development and design / Website support / Digital positioning strategy,
TECHcetera is one of the most recognized technology news and information portals in Colombia. It has been online for more than 15 years and its creators are a reference in specialized information in this area.
For this portal, our team carried out a complete strategy that covered the following areas:
1. Redesign of the website to adapt it to market requirements and enhance the scope of the project.
2. Implementation of a content management platform (CMS) for the generation, edition and updating of news.
3. Development and support, in order to offer a pleasant experience in relation to the world of technology.
4. Continuous technological support to ensure that the site was always online, despite continuous hacker attacks.
5. Creation and monitoring of online advertising campaigns.
6. Development of animated pieces for social networks in order to achieve greater brand reach.
With our support, TECHcetera has managed to obtain an enormous volume of interactions and traffic within its market niche, which represents an invaluable potential for the project and its future profitability.